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Unfortunate that this game hasn't been updated in years, would've liked to see where this could have gone.


make it where you can give her a total of ten doses of the larger breasts combanation


I can't get any transformations what do i do?


There are three combinations that do stuff.

Per x-lksk below:

  • Red+Blue+White: Larger breasts (3 doses max)

  • White+Green+Yellow: Cow girl (2 doses max; one gives tail, one gives horns, order is random)

  • Pink+Yellow+Cyan: Blonde hair


ok thanks man


atm, if order does something and if 3 potions is the max number for combination, there's 336 possible combinations.

would be good to have a "flush cauldron" button (or have one of the potion do that with an indicator).


I can assure you that order doesn't matter, hopefully for now. Find a potion that makes any effect, mix them again in a different order, it'll make the same effect.



The formula for apply, is " n! / ((n-k)!* k!) "
n = Total of elements
k = Elements per group.

Applying it to the case, it is " 7! / ((7-3)!*3!) "
Which, results in "35" possible combinations

This only applies, when the order of the elements in the group does not matter.
As it is in this case.


how many transformations are in the first edition?

(1 edit) (+2)

right now there are only 3 combinations that apply transformations and effects.
the plan is i am going to rewrite the system a bit to make it easier to add new transformations.

(2 edits) (+9)

I can only find 3 potion effects:
Red+Blue+White: Larger breasts (3 doses max)
White+Green+Yellow: Cow Girl (2 doses max; one gives tail, one gives horns, order is random)
Pink+Yellow+Cyan: Blonde Hair

I think a logbook to keep track of what potions you have tried and what they do would be a nice addition. Also, if enough potions are added, maybe make it so that the order matters. Or at least, for things like the cow girl, with multiple possible effects that stack, make it so the order of the  colors can make the order of the transformation non-random.
Other than that... I think you've got a decent prototype here, but will need a LOT more content for me to determine what the rating should be.


The logbook sounds like a really good idea. Thanks for the suggestion i will look into adding it to the game.

Next up on my list is rewriting the system that handles the effects and transformations. I will try and keep in mind to make it support for making the order matter. 

and thanks for the feedback.


Cool game